Journey of Adjustment
Starts in September 2023
This 6-month journey is all about making a conscious choice of where we focus our attention in relationships.
It is difficult to know what you want out of a relationship, or how to make your relationship work, when you yourself don’t know what you want for yourself. In this 6-month program, we show that Life is a most priceless gift, but if we are to recognize it as such we must be able to relate to ourselves and to those around us in a meaning-full and fulfilling manner.

We choose to be happy, or we choose to be miserable,
but in both instances, the amount of effort required
is the same.
Life revolves around relationships. Therefore, to find fulfillment, the first thing to learn is a different way of relating. Whether at the level of business, social activities or family life, managing relationships takes skill and practice. So often in relationships, people leave themselves out of the equation – either by “fitting in” and not speaking up or by removing themselves from the relationship altogether.
The biggest problems arise in personal relationships. People have a whole heap of unvoiced and unfulfilled expectations, which leads to anger and blame. They tend to think that a partner has to supply that which they themselves lack. In the course, we dispel the myth that two halves in a relationship can make one whole, and show you that if a relationship is to succeed, it needs two whole people.
Covering the theory
Learning the concepts
Meetings every other week
Make learned concepts practical in your daily life
2 x 8-week batches
Weekly meetings
Supporting each other with other school members
September 2023 - March 2023
We will launch two groups:
- Estonian speaking group - reading group meetings will take place on-site at Kompanii 2, Tartu.
- English speaking group - reading group meetings will take place online.
The 6-month Journey of Adjustment is for you if you are willing to change yourself so that your relationships become better, instead of waiting other people to adjust according to your wants.
One group has a minimum of 6 people and a maximum of 12 people.
360€/6 months or 90€/monthly
We are happy to introduce you to the course
and our process for self-discovery.