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.Contriberi Mentorid


.Contriber is a school for higher learning.


Me õpetame inimestele, kuidas suhteid hoida, sest päeva lõpuks on kogu elu väga seotud erinevate suhetega.

Kuna usume, et ainus tõeline teadmine on kogemuslik, loome keskkonna, kus saad ise tunda oma erilisust ja ainulaadsust; kogeda omaenda väärtust, potentsiaali ja loovust.

Meie õpetused põhinevad iidsetel Teadmiste Tee põhimõtetel, mis on uskumuste süsteem, soosides usuvabadust ja filosoofiat.

Teadmiste Tee on praktiline lähenemine igapäevaelule ja paljudele väljakutsetele, mis viib meid lähemale oma enda õigele teele ja seeläbi vabaduseni läbi teadlikkuse oskusliku käsitsemise.

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Anu Martinson

I'm interested in people. I enjoy seeing people discover their inner superpowers, achieve their dreams and find their path with the heart. I believe that we have all the needed resources inside ourselves. All we need to do is find them and build them stronger.

Aleksander Tõnnisson

My vision is to take full responsibility for my own life and to help others do the same.

Kristiina Kodanik

I believe in change - when I change, the world around me changes. When you get clear about your dreams and goals, opportunities will come. Today I am happy to have my passions all combined together in my daily work.

Rein Lemberpuu

I see true knowledge as a personal experience and personal power as result of impeccable execution in all daily matters. I stand for personal power and freedom from social conditioning. I represent not only passive acceptance of what is but also active participation in life to fight for what I believe in.

Triin Sarri

I believe our perception of the outer world is the reflection of our inner world. If we arrange and coordinate our inner realms, it will also reflect in the physical world.

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