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A Year for Us

1-year mentoring program for couples

"Fill each other's cups, but do not drink from each other's cup."

K. Kibran


We have been supporting people for the past 10 years, during this time we have been focusing on many different challenges from both business and personal life. In every mentoring relationship, sooner or later, the relationship topic has come up, but this topic needs separate attention and, as a rule, it is not a topic that can be discussed in conjunction with other topics. Also, the other party involved has not been present in these mentoring sessions.


The functioning of a close relationship is very important. If the relationship is good, the business works well, the ventures are successful, and personal problems add flavor to life rather than hardships. However, if the relationship is not working, instead of support an additional anchor is attached to your leg, and everything tends to roll downhill.


There are very few tools for developing a working close relationship, while there are tools available for looking deep into yourself or growing a business. We desire to share our experience as a couple, our knowledge based on Toltec Teachings, and support all those for whom a close relationship is important.

Welcome to 1-year mentoring program for couples -

A Year for Us!


Topics include

  • Understanding compatibility

  • Who is leading the relationship and how

  • Conflict handling

  • Money problem

  • FLOP dance

  • Common goals and individual goals

  • Empty batteries

  • Sex and security


A 1-year program is built up as modules and as a couple you can choose the most relevant topics for you from the 25 different topics we have prepared. Each module focuses on one topic and includes both theoretical insights as well as practical experience sharing. If needed, you can focus on one topic for more than one session.


During the year, 16 sessions are held for each partner - some of them in pairs, some of them separately. The focus is on you, i.e. we look at all topics personally in the context of your relationship.


The program is guided by mentors Rein and Anu, who form a unique pair of mentors having found a common path in the world of self-development - the Way of Toltec Knowledge. As a unique opportunity, Anu and Rein will share their support and experience together. There are very few opportunities to get support for your relationship and hear experiences from a male and female mentor who are also in a relationship with each other.

About Rein Lemberpuu
The leading mentor of the program

Rein has been acting as a mentor for the past 10 years, during which more than 500 people have received support. Rein has been in a relationship since the age of 15, and his dream has been to find the secret of a long-lasting relationship.


Rein has previously been married twice, to the same woman, in order to find different ways to develop and improve his relationship. However, this very rich 19-year relationship ended in an amicable divorce, and continues to work harmoniously as parents today.


The acquired experience made it possible to find a magical companion for the next stage of his life path - Anu. Life has made it so that, although Rein has known Anu since high school, it took several decades to realize that they have a common life path to share. Rein and Anu's relationship has lasted for 3 years now, and there is a wedding coming soon.

Did you know.png
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About Anu Martinson
The co-mentor of the program

Anu has been working as a mentor, coach and trainer for the past four years. Anu is interested in people and their own major and minor victories.


Anu also had her first relationship quite early, at the age of 16, when a childhood friendship turned into something more. This relationship lasted 13 years, they parted as friends, and today they act friendly together as co-parents. But life went on and experiences were waiting to be experienced. Having entered into a relationship early on and also stayed in a relationship for quite some time, Anu lacked the knowledge that some things could and should be done differently. Following years served as an opportunity to fill this cap of knowledge.


On the journey to a better understanding of herself, the paths brought them together with Rein. Today, Anu enjoys being the lady in the life of her dear partner Rein, and is a proud mother to her son.



The sessions will take place every 3 weeks.

You can meet both online and on-site.

The length of one meeting is from 1 hour to 4 hours, depending on the format of the meeting.


The 16 sessions will be divided during the program as follows:

  • 9 double sessions (2h), i.e. the session is attended together, the session is led and supported by both mentors

  • 2 sessions with a mentor of the same gender (1h), i.e. a one-on-one meeting with a mentor in such a way that men meet with each other in one room and women meet with each other in the other

  • 1 opposite-gender session (1h), i.e. one-on-one session, where a man meets a female mentor and a woman meets a male mentor simultaneously in separate rooms

  • 4 group sessions (3-4h), where the couple participates in group work together with two other couples participating in the program

Your investment into your relationship will be €375 per month for the duration of the program.

The price includes VAT


*Should the program turn out to be too intensive for your relationship at the current stage, we can make adjustments. Get in touch and we will find a suitable solution.

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