Frontiers of the Self
May 16-19, 2024
Through social conditioning we become trapped
in a self-image that is false. The only way to break through this is by becoming aware of who we really are.
Frontiers of The Self Masterclass is a further opportunity to look at how you behave in your life. Our behavior is the main area in which we let ourselves down and which affects ourselves and others the most. At the same time, it is the one thing that we can change if we choose to.
Part of the magic in this course is in the learning that you are the only one who has ever victimized yourself. You do it by yourself, to yourself and there is absolutely no need to continue in this way. Through taking responsibility for ALL aspects of your life, you begin to reclaim your personal power.
We teach you to break the bondage of social conditioning and living in blame, where you make others responsible for your life. We show you that you can make your life beautiful, and create whatever magic you want.
Frontiers of The Self is presented in an environment where the focus is on the small amount of beauty that exists in all of us, regardless of our experience and social conditioning. The more we focus on that beauty, the more aware we become of all that is good and pure in our lives, the bigger the beauty becomes.
We want to show you:​
that your shortcomings are your road to power and your ticket to freedom;
your weaknesses are your unrealized potential;
the true nature of unconditional love as opposed to manipulation.
Frontiers of The Self Masterclass will show you
who you are and what your potential is.
About Elizabeth Schnugh
The Facilitator of the Masterclass
Elizabeth founded and is Director of the Institute for the Study of Man. The Courses offered by her have been developed to give people valuable insights, as well as practical tools so that they can effect meaningful and lasting change in their lives.
Elizabeth has a simple, honest, and highly practical approach in guiding people to look within their unique life experiences to find their own answers. This approach is immensely uplifting and empowering since you will learn how to solve any problem or challenge that comes your way.
"As you trust more and more your own knowledge, you will also discover your own unique potential, and the talents that you already have to unfold your potential."
Elizabeth Schnugh – Seeker by heart and apprentice of the late Théun Mares, started her career as a Chartered Accountant. She was the Financial Director of a multi-national company subsidiary for many years. As she reached the height of her career, and as her work brought her into touch with an increasingly wide cross-section of people, Elizabeth began to realize that her talents and fate did not lie in the corporate world but in helping people to help themselves. In 1991 she embarked upon a new journey, first of all, training in the humanitarian disciplines, and then in 1996 becoming a full-time teacher.
Masterclass Prerequisites
Please note that to enroll for Frontiers of the Self Masterclass it is necessary to have first completed the following Masterclasses:
Relationship with the Self
16th - 19th of May 2024. The Masterclass starts on Thursday morning at 9 am and finishes on Sunday evening. Every course day starts at 9 am.
For those able to extend their stay, a voluntary post-course follow-up meeting will take place between 2 - 7 pm, Tuesday, May 21 2024 in Tartu, Raekojaplats 16. It is highly recommended you attend such a follow-up meeting.
For the school members with a yearly subscription -
in addition to the package: 420 € + VAT + accommodation and food
It can also be paid in parts. -
For the school members in the Freestyle package and the ISM members -
1020 € + VAT + accommodation and food
The fee must be paid no later than 30.11.2023.
Accommodation and food are not included in the Masterclass fee.
The Masterclass will be held in the beautiful Vihula Manor, in northern Estonia
For booking your accommodation please contact,
the password for booking your accommodation is CONTRIBER.
The post-course meeting on May 21 is in Tartu, Raekojaplats 16.
Should you have any questions or need for support please contact us