Gateway to
Warrior's World
August 22-25, 2024
"What you need to do is to coax your tonal into acknowledging that the only viable decision open to you is your decision to embark upon the Warrior’s Path. The tonal believes that making decisions is its prerogative, for it doesn’t know that decisions are made by the nagal. Whenever we think we are making a decision, we do not realize that it is the nagal, forever beyond our grasp, which has brought about those conditions in which we are forced into acknowledging that we have reached a crossroad."
(Théun Mares)
You have had a glimpse of the concepts that create the foundation for the path of knowledge through previous masterclasses Journey of Adjustment, Threshold to Excellence, and World of Little People. They all appear innocent simple concepts which however still lead you to a path with no return - that is the warrior's path. Although we have not used the terminology of this ancient tradition the feeling imparted still holds its power that shows no mercy for those who challenge themselves with the search for power. You therefore might already be in a situation where your feeling for life is not any more dull and boring and you might have been kicked out of your limbo but the fruits have not yet matured. In short, it might in many ways be even worse yet the feeling you have is that you cannot return but need to move forward. This course is designed to show you what you already have mastered on the Warrior's Path and hence opens the possibility to traverse the path with awareness.

We will be looking at the following concepts:
meeting your first natural enemy
first attention
left and right side awareness
the four directions
truths of awareness
tonal and nagal
hunter vs average man
We will show you the tools that will support you on this journey:
stopping the internal dialogue
You are approaching the crossroad where you can decide to start your journey towards hunting for Power as opposed to continue fulfilling the wishes of the Dreamed.

About Rein Lemberpuu
The Facilitator of the Masterclass
Rein is the founder and vision holder for .Contriber group dedicated to practical education in the field of fulfilling the dreams of one's Dreamer aka Soul. It makes his heart sing to support people to discover themselves and their hearts.
Rein’s high school interests in technology and human relationships created for him the path for his career in Playtech - one of the first unicorns from Estonia. He started as a developer and grew into CEO. Some years later he had everything that describes a success: career, home and family, yet he found himself in crisis. It led him to explore what is outside of the normal understanding of our world and he found a path that stood out for him and resonated as if he had arrived home - Warrior’s Path as shared by Théun Mares. On his discovery journey, he met Théun’s apprentice Elizabeth Schnugh. His life changed completely and foremost all the relationships that he had. From there he started to build a business with his friend Rain that could become the medium of passing on the source of knowledge and his experience of how to hunt and live that knowledge.
Rein has a simple, honest and highly practical approach in guiding people to look within their unique life experiences to find their own path. This approach is immensely uplifting and empowering since you will learn how to solve any problem or challenge that comes your way.
About Anu Martinson
The Co-Facilitator of the Masterclass
Anu is a happy member of .Contriber family providing all our services that support your journey in Life.
Anu’s journey to get to know businesses and herself started in banking. She supported businesses with finding financing for their ideas. At one point she wanted to experience how these ideas come into being and what is it that makes one company successful and the other not. So she moved forward to an international shared service centre developing business processes and from there continued her journey as a quality manager. The main thing she learned is that people want to make a difference, they want to help their companies to grow. That led her to coaching and mentoring. She has loved asking questions all her life and has had a curiosity to unfold the mysteries of the World, to understand more of where we live in. And of the worlds beyond this world. So this is a natural flow of life that now she supports people to look for their own mystery.
"In most cases, people are not friends with change. It creates confusion and fear of the unknown. Yet the transformation is something that gives us power, we become more confident and discover all the new aspects that life has to offer." Anu feels that it is her duty to support people on this journey and she likes to see them discover their inner superpowers that will lead them closer to their dreams.

Masterclass Prerequisites
Please note that to enroll for Gateway to Warrior's World Masterclass it is necessary to have first completed the following Masterclasses:
The Journey of Adjustment
August 22-25, 2024. The Masterclass starts on Thursday at 2 pm and finishes on Sunday evening.
The Masterclass starts on Thursday afternoon at 2 pm and finishes on Sunday evening with dinner together.
From Friday to Sunday, we will start the day at 9 am. The nature of the Masterclass does not allow for set times for breaks.
Lunch will be between 12.30 - 2.30 pm, dinner will be between 7.30 - 9.30 pm. We offer refreshments and snacks during the breaks and celebrate with participants in our final dinner at the end of the Masterclass.
The Masterclass will be held at Norra Manor, Estonia.
Accommodation and meals:
The accommodation is available in the Norra Manor. Please note that you might need to share the room as some rooms will still be in construction stage. It is also possible to accommodate yourself in a tent next to the manor should you like to enjoy the wonders of nature.
The accommodation and meals are not included in the Masterclass package and need to be paid separately. Please take contact with us to learn about the options.
We are happy to introduce you to our school and our process for self-discovery.