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.Contriber team
Mar 8, 20243 min read
About being a woman
She comes, it doesn't matter where or when, she sees. Her eyes are everywhere, noticing everything, every small detail. She feels, senses...

Anu Martinson
Oct 6, 20235 min read
Walking the Path with a Heart: A Journey of Listening to Your Inner Wisdom
Path with a heart is more than just a career choice or a life direction. In reality, your heart will always lead you to learning.

riin lisett rei
Aug 9, 20232 min read
Introducing .Contriber - a new chapter for the .Cocoonity School
.Cocoonity decided to change its name and return to its roots - it is now called .Contriber.

Rein Lemberpuu
Apr 27, 20228 min read
The problem with Time
Last weekend I was reviewing where I am in terms of different areas of my life. I have created for myself a simple model of 10 areas:...

Rein Lemberpuu
Mar 31, 20228 min read
Harmony vs conflict
Lately, I am having on average 8 mentoring sessions per week which make about half a thousand sessions per last year. I was pondering on...

Rein Lemberpuu
Feb 28, 20225 min read
Friendship or what?Â
This month I really felt I wanted to focus on something positive and since February presented us with Valentine's Day which in Estonia is...

Rein Lemberpuu
Feb 16, 20222 min read
You do not believe...
It is not easy to be honest with ourselves and see objectively what we feel and think about a certain topic. Because of lack of training...

Rein Lemberpuu
Jan 28, 20228 min read
Let’s make dreams practical!
Hopefully, you have dreams, and each year is asking us if we are up to materializing some this year or not? Depending on your preferences...

Rein Lemberpuu
Jan 5, 20227 min read
Negative Self-image vs Self-image Negative
Creating more clarity between what is negative self-image and self-image negative.

Rein Lemberpuu
Nov 25, 20219 min read
Self-image and its negative
We just finished yet another powerful masterclass - Threshold to Excellence. This is one of my favorites as it goes into discovering the...

Rein Lemberpuu
Oct 17, 20217 min read
Do we have a choice?
October in Estonia is coming in full colors and although it has a peculiar autumnally feeling it still gives you an opportunity to pause...

Rein Lemberpuu
Oct 5, 20216 min read
Rein Lemberpuu: The story of how I opened Warrior School
My journey of finding Warrior’s Path started 14 years ago with a very nice crisis and this brought me to the search of what is my purpose.

Rein Lemberpuu
Sep 18, 20215 min read
Messages from the Unknown
Interestingly enough September is considered in the Northern hemisphere a new beginning as the new school year starts and most summer...

Rein Lemberpuu
Aug 15, 20216 min read
Mirror, mirror on the wall...
I am checking the weather forecast for August and it seems that the summer is over. At least the summer we all got used to already. It is...

Rein Lemberpuu
Jul 26, 20215 min read
Pause - a challenge or a way to keep balance?
July has brought everything to pause, at least in Estonia. Weather is more tropical than nordic, averaging around 32 degrees. For...

Rein Lemberpuu
Jun 14, 20215 min read
Change is the new norm
The month of June has smoothly blended in from May and while working with imbalance we are now up against new decisions on how to steer...

Rein Lemberpuu
Jun 8, 20213 min read
Will needs to be trained
One who has no problem picking up a new habit does not need an accountability group. But this is a rare individual indeed since picking...

.Contriber team
Jun 7, 20212 min read
Accountability Group participants finished their 8-week commitment
It is easy to start a new habit but the difficult part is keeping the habit. It is much easier to keep it if you are held accountable for...

.Contriber team
Jun 7, 20214 min read
The Home Office Syndrome
Everything in this life is a relationship We have a relationship with our spouse, with our kids, pets, with the flowers and plants at the...

Rein Lemberpuu
May 5, 20216 min read
Response to imbalance
This time around a newsletter has a different spin as we are looking for new ways to respond to our friends and family in the current...
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