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Writer's pictureAnu Martinson

Joy is in the details

August nights, in Estonia at least, are dark, the sky full of stars (most of the time) but warm - perfect for midnight walks and thinking.

This time around I was thinking of dreams. And how we more often than not take some of our dreams for granted, not even noticing that this small yet ordinary wish once was on top of my dreams checklist. How often have you heard yourself saying "Yes, but..." Turns out, I do it quite often.

So on one of those late-night walks, walking home from a nice concert, having had a chicken wrap to go from the nearest gas station, I find myself thinking - am I living my dream right now? My immediate answer is Yes! 

And then, from nowhere, doubts crawl in. There are those moments when it feels like something important is missing, or that I am not really good enough, or nothing works out the way it was planned. Challenges - who needs those on top of it all...

They say that the devil is in the details. Well, guess what - so is the happiness, the joy!

We forget that we are living our Dream already. Our Dreamer wants us to experience life on the physical plane and as Dreamed that is what we’re here for - to experience life. Dreams are not always rosy and sweet and beautiful, but the same is with life itself. Some dreams first require us to walk through tough times before they may blossom. 

I need to remind myself - all this is created by me. But that means that I can change my perspective the moment I decide so. Just like that, I can decide to feel joy and be happy over the smallest things. The question is am I willing to? Or will I fight back? In both cases, I am experiencing life and the Dreamer wins. 

But, which way do I want? 

Which way do you?

With joy and sunshine,


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